Testing & Maintenance

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are crucial for controlling fires in their earliest stages, potentially preventing significant property damage, injuries, or even loss of life. It’s essential to accurately identify the type of fire and use the correct extinguisher for the situation. Using the wrong extinguisher—especially on cooking oil fires—can have catastrophic consequences. Additionally, using an extinguisher that hasn’t been regularly serviced can be extremely dangerous, which is why consistent servicing is vital. With proper fire extinguisher training, building occupants can assess a developing fire and determine whether they can safely extinguish it.

At Hawkins On Fire, our experienced technicians possess extensive expertise in the installation and maintenance of all types of fire extinguishers. We understand that each environment has unique fire protection needs, which is why our team is trained to handle a diverse range of extinguishers, including portable, wheeled, and specialised units for various fire classes.

Whether it’s assessing your facility’s specific requirements, conducting thorough inspections, or providing training on proper extinguisher use, our team is dedicated to ensuring your fire safety systems are fully functional and reliable. With Hawkins On Fire, you can rest assured that your fire extinguishers are installed and maintained by professionals committed to your safety.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

There are a variety of different types of fire extinguishers and these are designed to be used on one or more of the six different classes of fire. The classes of fire are:

  • Class A – fires involving solid materials such as wood, paper or plastics.
  • Class B – fires involving flammable and combustible liquids such as petrol, diesel or oils.
  • Class C – fires involving flammable gases.
  • Class D – fires involving metals.
  • Class E – fires involving electrically energised equipment.
  • Class F – fires involving cooking oils and fats.

Each of the different types of fire extinguishers and their uses are explained in more depth below:

Water Extinguishers – Red Band (All Red)

Water extinguishers are generally used for fighting class A fires. There are two main types of water extinguishers:

  • Water extinguishers work by spraying a jet of water at the burning materials, cooling the fire and preventing re-ignition.
  • Water extinguishers with additives are water extinguishers with foaming chemicals added. The water loses its natural surface tension allowing it to soak into the burning materials more effectively. Adding the chemicals to the water means that a smaller extinguisher can produce the same fire rating as a larger, water only, extinguisher.
Fire Exinguisher All Red FB70WC

Foam Extinguishers – Blue Band

Foam fire extinguishers can be used on Class A and B fires. They are generally used for liquid fires such as petrol or diesel but can also be used on solid fires such as wood and paper. The foam extinguishes liquid fires by sealing the surface of the liquid, preventing flammable vapour reaching the air and starving the fire of fuel. They are not suitable for use on free flowing liquid fires.

Powder Extinguishers – White Band

Powder extinguishers are a good multi-purpose fire extinguisher. ABE powder extinguishers can be used on Class A, B, C and E fires. BE powder extinguishers can be used on class B, C, E and F fires.

Whilst being versatile, highly effective and relatively inexpensive, powder extinguishers have a number of drawbacks that should be considered when selecting an extinguisher. These include:

  • loss of visibility when used
  • may result in respiration difficulties for the operator or people in the vicinity
  • will likely damage or destroy exposed electrical equipment
  • after use, clean up can be arduous and costly.

Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers (Co2) – Black Band

CO2 extinguishers are ideal for environments with a lot of electrical equipment such as offices and server rooms because they are safe to use on fires involving electrically energised equipment. Carbon dioxide extinguishers do not leave any residue and therefore after event clean-up and downtime is generally minimal. CO2 extinguishers also have a limited level of effectiveness on Class A and B fires.

Fire Exinguisher Black Band HOF35CO2

Wet Chemical (Vaporising Liquid) Extinguishers – Yellow Band

Wet chemical extinguishers are suitable for use on Class F fires involving cooking oils and fats. The wet chemical rapidly extinguishes the flames, cools the fire and chemically reacts to form a soap-like solution, sealing the surface from oxygen and preventing re-ignition. Although they are primarily designed for use on Class F fires, they can also be used on Class A fires and have limited effectiveness on Class B fires.

Fire Exinguisher Yellow Band FB70WC
Emergency Evacuation Triaining
Fire Extinguisher Training
Fire Extinguisher Sign

Our Fire Protection Services

Hawkins On Fire are able to provide the full range of services including, but not limited to:

All inspection, testing and maintenance services are completed in accordance with the latest Australian Standards and recorded for your benefit through the computerised operating system Uptick.

Additionally, Hawkins On Fire offers a 24/7 call-out service to ensure your systems operate at their best, providing optimal protection for your occupants, employees, visitors, and business.

Call us now on 02 6625 2531 to speak with our friendly local team and ensure your business and building are fire safe!

Hawkins On Fire.

We've been keeping Northern NSW fire safe for over 20 years.

Areas We Service

Hawkins On Fire is a leading independent fire safety provider to Northern New South Wales. With our office centrally located near Lismore, our service area spans from Tweed Heads to Coffs Harbour and beyond.

Alstonville | Ballina | Bangalow | Banora Point | Bexhill | Bogangar | Bonalbo | Broadwater | Brunswick Heads | Byron Bay | Cabarita Beach | Casuarina | Casino | Chinderah | Clunes | Coffs Harbour | Coraki | Corindi Beach | Dunoon | Eltham | Evans Head | Ewingsdale | Federal | Goonellabah | Grafton | Junction Hill | Kingscliff | Kyogle | Lennox Head | Lismore | Maclean | Mallanganee | Modanville | Mullumbimby | Murwillumbah | Nashua | Nimbin | Ocean Shores | Pottsville | Skennars Head | Suffolk Park | Tabulam | Tumbulgum | Tweed Heads | Urbenville | Urunga | Wollongbar | Woodburn | Woolgoolga | Yamba