Testing & Maintenance

Fire Safety Training

Being prepared for a fire or emergency event goes beyond having effective and well-maintained fire protection equipment and systems. It’s essential that you and your staff are trained in the proper use of fire safety equipment and how to respond to various types of emergencies.

Under the NSW Work, Health and Safety Regulation 2017, businesses are required to provide “information, training, and instruction to relevant workers regarding the implementation of emergency procedures.” AS 3745 offers specific guidance on the requirements and content for this training.

Our partners at Safety and Fire Education (SAFE) specialise in delivering comprehensive training in all aspects of fire and emergency response, evacuation procedures, and fire warden duties, ensuring compliance with AS 3745-2010. This training will equip your team with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively in emergency situations.

Fire Extinguisher Training Northern Rivers
Fire Blanket Training
Emergency Evacuation Triaining

About Safety and Fire Education (SAFE)

Safety and Fire Education is the leading fire safety training provider in the Northern Rivers of NSW.

SAFE offers a range of Fire Safety Training Courses, Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Training and First Aid Courses. Nationally recognised training is delivered on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909.

SAFE’s training courses and services include:

SAFE’s trainers are highly qualified in all areas of Fire Safety, First Aid and Work Health and Safety education. They come with extensive industry experience including 15 years in the health service and over 20 years in emergency services.

To learn more about how SAFE can support with your Fire Safety, WHS or First Aid training, call them today on 0405 122 606 or visit their website to find out more.